Friday, January 21, 2011

Proposition 5

Proposition 5: Teachers are Members of Learning Communities.

• NBCTs collaborate with others to improve student learning.
• They are leaders and actively know how to seek and build partnerships with community groups and businesses.
• They work with other professionals on instructional policy, curriculum development and staff development.
• They can evaluate school progress and the allocation of resources in order to meet state and local education objectives.
• They know how to work collaboratively with parents to engage them productively in the work of the school.

1. Parent Reflections

Description: To involve the community of parents in helping our students become lifelong readers

Process:Parents were given two different reflections (interview format) to provide feedback on their literacy history. The first reflection requested information about their child (hobbies or special interests) and some literacy background. The second reflection was more of a “reader’s interview” and asked questions that targeted themselves as readers. Information provided by parents was used to get a better understanding of the parents and students perception of reading. This researcher took responses directly from the reflections and implemented them in the mini lessons during Reader’s Workshop and used them as examples to learn from.

Artifact 1:Reading Inventory
Artifact 2:Parent Questionnaire

Reflection: I am excited to share that over the last 2 months we have recognized adults in our life and discussed their role as lifelong readers. From the interviews the parents completed the first week of school, I personally learned a lot about each of them as a reader. I have tried to make connections between parent and student, and use their strategies, discoveries, and words of wisdom to help guide the students in a positive direction.

2. Class Wiki

Description: Parents will be a part of reflecting on their children's reading journey.

Process:Parents will be active participants in reflecting on their child's progression as a reader throughout the year on a class Wiki

Reflection: I am happy to announce that the Wiki is up and running and is starting to serve as a communication tool for parents and children. Parents are posting observations they witness of their child progressing as a reader. The positive words of encouragement that parents are posting are bringing confidence to the students. I only hope that more parents utilize this Wiki Space and foresee the wonderful effects it could have on their child and their reading.

Artifact 1:Wiki Space

3. Children's Book #1

Description:Falling Uphill: The Secret of Life

Process: Scott Stoll and I teamed up and shared his story with Poplar Creek Elementary School. We then came up with the idea to create a children’s book. He had already written a children’s version of his original story and shared with me. We broke it down page by page and met with the school Art teacher. Over a month, Scott and the Art teacher presented the book to the class and they illustrated the pages. Over 500 pages were illustrated by the students and a little over 100 pages were chosen. The book was published in December 2010, and has been a great success.

Artifact 1:  Book Info
Artifact 2:  The Making of the Book "Falling Uphill"
Artifact 3:  Interview

4. Children's Book #2
Description: Ruby the Redworm's Dirty Job

Artifact 1 :Milwaukee Journal Article
Artifact 2 :Scott Stoll Visits Waukesha STEM Academy

Reflection : Scott really wanted to take a new direction for his second children’s book.  Although very proud of his first children’s book, he wanted to share different stories with schools.  Our school had been studying composting and worms for a few weeks, and coincidently Scott had a rough draft of a worm story. Ruby the Red Worm was proposed to the STEM Academy and the kids loved it! The process was very similar to the first book, and took about two months. Scott came to our school and worked with the students during their art classes. A journalist from the Milwaukee Journal covered the journey of the book and published a beautiful article. Overall, the experience was one of kind. The kids learned a lot about the book making process, had a firsthand opportunity to be an illustrators of a book, and were part of a unique and one of kind children’s book.

5. Attendance Meeting With School Social Workers

Description:This meeting was held to address the procedures and policies for excessive tardies and absences. The meeting involved the elementary social worker, Neal Peterson, and the middles school social worker, Kelly Ohme and myself. As a new school, polices such as attendance and tardies, had not yet been established. As a reoccurring topic and concern discussed by teachers, we took the initiative to put one in place.

Artifact 1:Meeting

As a team, we collaborated very well together. We all had different student perspectives and areas of expertise to bring to the table. I felt that we listened to each other, respected one another’s professionals input, and kept the topic as the forefront of our conversation. We examined other policies from the surrounding schools in our district, and implemented the unique needs of our students. After we drafted the policy, we communicated our ideas with our school Principal. With his support and approval we shared it with the staff and they seemed pleased. Videotaping this process, helped me to self –reflect on my speaking skills, body language, and my overall actions when speaking in group of professionals. This artifact is evidence of my ability to work proactively with my co-workers, and highlights the importance of professionals collaborating together to address an issue of concern.

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